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Our Beliefs, Mission & Vision

Our beliefs, mission, and vision can also be found linked below!

Statement of Faith

We believe in God the Father, inifinite in wisdom, goodness and love. We believe in His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, who, for us and our salvation, lived and died and rose again and lives forevermore. We believe in the Holy Spirit, Who takes of the things of Christ, reveals them to us, and renews, comforts, and inspires the souls of humanity.


The Church recognizes that the Holy Bible, the Word of God contained in the Scriptures of the Old & the New Testaments, is the supreme rule of faith and duty, and is the supreme rule of this Church.

Our Mission & Vision

Our Covenant is to...

Love one another as Jesus Christ loves us; be kind to one another & forgive one another, even as God has forgiven us for the sake of Jesus Christ.

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