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Our History

Our church has a rich and unique history; one that we are Godly proud of. Established in 1955 in San Diego, CA, our church is the first Samoan church in all of the United States. In fact, it is the first Samoan church outside of the Samoan islands. Our church's Samoan name, "O Le Malamalama o Samoa o Le Satauro Paia" which means "The Light of Samoa is the Holy Cross" encompasses the heart of our forefathers' mission & vision for establishing a spiritual home where the Gospel would light the way for our people in a strange and far away land.

We praise God for His faithfulness for 70 years in His Grace, for the diligent work of our forefathers, and for the work that God is allowing us to continue to do in His church today!

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Church Timeline

January 4, 1955

Suitonu Galea'i meets with Senior Chaplain at Pearl Harbor Capt. Lennerweaver, regarding the possibility of forming a Church for the Samoan people in America, especially those in the military. The vision is to form this Church in San Diego.

January 8-11, 1955

Suitonu Galea'i and family leave Hawaii bound for San Diego, California, U.S.A. via San Francisco.

January 13, 1955

Aimalefoa Maiava, Sa Atuatasi, Toso Mauga, and their families visit Suitonu & Tinei and seek their help in starting Worship Services in the Samoan Language.

January 14, 1955

Suitonu meets with the Senior Chaplain at the Naval Base in San Diego, seeking a place for the Samoan people to worship. RADM Miller was extremely helpful and found an opportunity for the Samoan people at the 32nd Street Naval Chapel.

January 23, 1955

The opening worship of our church was held in the Naval Chapel, 32nd St Naval Station, Gate #6. Elder Rev. Suitonu led worship and the Sacrament of Holy Communion was led by Chaplain Shackleford from the Naval Base. Services were held here for just under a year and then the Congregation moved its services to the Sanctuary of the Congregational Church in San Diego City, 4th Avenue and A Street.

1958 - 1961

The church purchased land at 3605 National Avenue and built a church. The church grew and there was a need for a larger Sanctuary. The Church looks for another property to house this community of Faith.

September 15, 1961

The Church agrees to move forward with the purchase of ther property at 1345 South 45th Street, and selects Sautia Lutu to head the monumental task of building a brand new sanctuary.

September 31, 1961

A Service of Blessing for the new grounds is celebrated led by Elder Rev. Suitonu. He poured water on the grounds, and with thanksgiving offered these words: "That these grounds would be used to glorify God!"

June 10, 1962

The church's final service is celebrated at 3605 National Avenue. Worship services were held at the Church of Happiness on Market Street in the interim.

June 20, 1964

The opening and blessing of the new sanctuary for the First Samoan Congregational Christian Church - San Diego. The sanctuary is named "Malamalama o Samoa o Le Satauro Paia", or "The Light of Samoa is the Sacred Cross".

September 5, 1979

Rev. Galea'i passes into God's glory, fulfilling all that God has called him to do. All glory be to God for this faithful servant and pioneer!

December 1979

Elder Rev. Dr. Fa'afouina & Mrs. Tuiomatagi Iofi are called to be the next ministers and they accept.

December 1990 - January 1991

Elder Rev. Dr. Iofi preaches his farewell sermon to the church as he has accepted a Lectureship at Malua Theological College in Western Samoa. This is the seminary for the Congregational Christian Church of Samoa (CCCS).

September 13, 1991

The church receives its new minister, Rev. Dr. Tafatolu & Mrs. Karite Filemoni.

December 12, 1994

Rev. Dr. Tafatolu Filemoni preaches his farewell sermon to the church, as he has answered God's call to minister in the Pacific Islanders' Presbyterian Church - Newton in Auckland, New Zealand.

January - June 1995

A schism occurs within the congregation. The Church struggles with some contentious issues, and a move is initiated for the church to become independent from the CCCS.  The church decides after much pain and heartache to become independent. There are still those who want to maintain the relationship with the CCCS and a number of families decide to leave and form a new Samoan congregation connected to Western Samoa. It is a time of much needed healing and peace.

June - July 1995

In a special meeting, the church agrees to call the Elder Rev. Dr. Iofi back to the ministry in San Diego. He accepts and is ordained once again as minister of the church by Rev. Dr. Scanlan, the Moderator of the Cal-West Ministers Association.

August - November 1996

The church agrees at a special meeting to extend a Call to the Rev. Fa'afouina and Mrs. Tuitogama'atoe Solomona of the First Church - Tahunanui Presbyterian, New Zealand to serve as Associate Minister in San Diego. They humbly accept the call.

April 5, 1997

Rev. Fa'afouina Solomona is ordained as Associate Minister of the church. Ordination is led by Rev. Ted Salgo, Rev. Sandy Freud, and Rev. Wayne Riggs on behalf of the Cal-West Ministers Association.

April 5, 1997

Rev. Fa'afouina Solomona is ordained as Associate Minister of the church. Ordination is led by regional representatives from the Cal-West Ministers Association.

July 24-27, 1998

The Church prepared to deal with a Litigation action taken by former members who had left the Church because of the independence issue of 1995. In this time of uncertainty, the people prayed for God's Will to be revealed. The court date was set for July 24, 1998, and this was held over to July 27, 1998. As the two sides entered the court room awaiting the judge's arrival, God's spirit took control. There was no trial as the group that had brought the action decided to no longer pursue their case. The judge did not even make an appearance in the courtroom. A potentially wrenching and despairing time was overcome by the Grace of God.

May 23, 1999

Farewell Service for Elder Rev. Dr. & Mrs. Iofi as they retire to Hawaii and leave the church to be fully pastored by Rev. Solomona.

January 22-23, 2005

Celebration Weekend for the church's 50th Anniversary, including worship, cultural protocols & performances, and guest preachers.

June 20-22, 2014

Celebration Weekend to mark the 50th Anniversary of the blessing and opening of the church sanctuary.

March 15, 2020 -

June 20, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world and our church pauses in-person worship but initiates virtual services. In-person services resume on the 57th Anniversary of the blessing and opening of the church sanctuary on June 20, 2021.

April 23, 2023

Farewell Service for Rev. & Mrs  Solomona. Rev. Solomona preaches his farewell sermon to the church, as he has answered God's call to minister at the Congregational Church of the Messiah in Los Angeles, California.

February 9, 2024

A Service of Ordination & Installation for Rev. Sekuini & Mrs. Elena Fiava'ai as Minister of the congregation. Ordination is led by regional representatives from the Cal-West Ministers Association.

Rev. Suitonu & Tinei Galea'i
(1955 - 1979)
Fa'afouina Tui.JPG
Rev. Dr. Fa'afouina & Tuiomatagi Iofi
(1979 - 1991, 1995-1999)
Tafatolu  Karite.jpg
Rev. Dr. Tafatolu & Karite Filemoni
Rev. Fa'afouina & Tuitogama'atoe Solomona
Rev. Sekuini & Elena Fiavaai
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